4-21-2023 “Who Is This?” Matthew 21:1-11 Palm Sunday

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2023, Dr. Tamilio Pastors often struggle with Christmas and Easter sermons.  Their churches are filled with more people on these days, so they want to make a big impression, but there are only so many different ways to say that Jesus was born, and he rose from […]

3-19-2023 “The Ability to Truly See” John 9:1-41 Fourth Sunday of Lent

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2023, Dr. Tamilio There is a character in ancient Greek mythology named Tiresias.  His big appearance is in the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles and in The Odyssey by Homer.  Dante would incorporate him into his Inferno.  He has also appeared in poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, […]

3-19-2023 A Prayer for Mystery by Alex Killian

A Prayer for Mystery Alex Killian Almighty God and Creator of all there is, we come to this place this morning to enter into your divine mystery. To enter your sanctuary, the sanctuaries that you have made within us, the holy temple that is the body of Christ in which we exist. We approach you […]

3-12-2023 “Water without End” John 4:5-42

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2023, Dr. Tamilio The story of the woman at the well is a curious one.  It appears early in John’s Gospel, and the context of the story (which is so far removed from us) makes it difficult for modern readers to fully understand (let alone appreciate) the […]

2-19-2023 “Spiritual Metamorphosis” Matthew 17:1-9 Transfiguration Sunday

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2023, Dr. Tamilio I came across some statistics recently that disturbed me greatly: a preacher was explaining why we are in the post-Christian age.  The younger generation does not go to church.  There are many reasons for this, but at the heart of it all: they believe […]

2-12-2023 “Tough Teachings” Matthew 5:21-37 Epiphany VI

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2023, Dr. Tamilio  Do you remember Hugh Hefner?  (Did you ever think you’d hear a sermon begin with that question?)  Hefner interviewed Jimmy Carter during the run-up to the 1976 Presidential election.  Carter said, “I’ve looked on a lot of women with lust.  I’ve committed adultery in […]

2-5-2023 “Magnifying the Light” Matthew 5:13-20 (Epiphany V)  

2023, Dr. Tamilio I came across the following story recently.[1] There is a mere strip of sand called Castle Island near the eastern end of the Bahamas archipelago.  Few people are aware of it — and, as tiny and isolated as it is, Castle Island is important for the lighthouse that is its sole source […]