4-30-2023 “Shepherding Love” John 10:1-10 and Psalm 23 Easter IV

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III  © 2023, Dr. Tamilio If Jesus was physically here today, to whom would he minister, and what would be the subject of his teachings?  In the place and time in which he lived, he spoke about farming and fishing because he ministered to farmers and fishermen.  What would he […]


Greetings, Friends! I want to send you an update on what’s been happening in the office lately.  I’ve been quite busy with worship, Bible studies, funerals, visitations, and the work that I do as the Moderator of the Massachusetts Association of Congregational Christian Churches (MACCC) and as the Chairperson of the MACCC’s Clergy Standing Committee.  […]

4-9-2023 Easter Sunday “Why Are You Weeping?” John 20:1-18

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2023, Dr. Tamilio I always know when spring has arrived.  It isn’t because we change the clocks — we spring ahead and watch the days get longer.  It isn’t because the weather seems a bit more mild — no more sub-artic blasts coming from the north.  It […]

4-21-2023 “Who Is This?” Matthew 21:1-11 Palm Sunday

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2023, Dr. Tamilio Pastors often struggle with Christmas and Easter sermons.  Their churches are filled with more people on these days, so they want to make a big impression, but there are only so many different ways to say that Jesus was born, and he rose from […]

3-19-2023 “The Ability to Truly See” John 9:1-41 Fourth Sunday of Lent

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2023, Dr. Tamilio There is a character in ancient Greek mythology named Tiresias.  His big appearance is in the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles and in The Odyssey by Homer.  Dante would incorporate him into his Inferno.  He has also appeared in poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, […]

3-19-2023 A Prayer for Mystery by Alex Killian

A Prayer for Mystery Alex Killian Almighty God and Creator of all there is, we come to this place this morning to enter into your divine mystery. To enter your sanctuary, the sanctuaries that you have made within us, the holy temple that is the body of Christ in which we exist. We approach you […]

3-12-2023 “Water without End” John 4:5-42

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2023, Dr. Tamilio The story of the woman at the well is a curious one.  It appears early in John’s Gospel, and the context of the story (which is so far removed from us) makes it difficult for modern readers to fully understand (let alone appreciate) the […]