7-19-2020 “Stewards of Creation” Romans 8:12-25 and Revelation 22:1-5

Pentecost 7 Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor  © 2020, Dr. Tamilio Of all the social and political controversies that surround us in twenty-first century America, the one that staggers me the most is the environmental crisis.  Every environmental scientist agrees that there is a problem, although they may disagree about the extent of the problem […]

7-12-2020 “Sew the Word” Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Sunday, July 12, 2020 ~ Pentecost 6 Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2020, Dr. Tamilio Prof. Ellis Fowler.  He is one of my favorite people.  He is not a former professor of mine.  He is a fictitious character.  He appears in the original Twilight Zone: season 3, episode 37 to be exact.  Played by […]

7-5-2020 “Word and Sacrament, Grace and Mission” 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor  © 2020, Dr. Tamilio We, as a congregation, have not celebrated Holy Communion since March 1st.  That was four months ago!  I think I can speak for the vast majority of us when I say that it feels as if something profound, something vital, something that is a fundamental part […]


PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE: NACCC 2020 ANNUAL MEETING Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor of the Congregational Church of Canton Sunday, June 28 2020   Holy God of all Creation — the One who fashioned seas and stars, who breathed life into all that walks and crawls, swims and flies, the artist of all that is […]

6-28-2020 “The Fruit of Kindness” Galatians 5:22-26

Sunday, June 28, 2020 ~ Pentecost 6 Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor  © 2020, Dr. Tamilio The word “kind” means both to be nice and it means type — as in category.  For example, an ornithologist might ask what kind of bird is that?  (Actually, an ornithologist would know what kind of bird it is, […]

6-21-2020 “Hate?  Did He Say Hate?” Matthew 10:24-39

Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor  © 2020, Dr. Tamilio Most seminarians (at least those who went to Andover Newton) have to do a year of field education.  This is when you work at a church for 10 to 15 hours a week as a student minister.  You come-up with a learning covenant that details what […]

6-14-2020 “The Gift That Is Hope” Romans 5:1-8

Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2020, Dr. Tamilio Suffering produces perseverance.  In other words, sorrow, grief, misery, woe, and anguish produces persistence, determination, grit, insistence, and resolution. Perseverance produces character.  In other words, persistence, determination, grit, insistence, and resolution produces personality, resolve, integrity, soul, and depth. Character produces hope.  In other words, personality, resolve, […]

6-7-2020 Trinity Sunday “The Boundless God”

Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2020, Dr. Tamilio Today is the first Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday.  I always felt that this was one of those days when preachers are tasked with the impossible: to explain what appears inexplicable.  How does Christianity, which is a monotheistic religion, explain how God can be one yet […]

5-31-2020 Pentecost Sunday

Sermon: “It’s Good to Be Back Home” (Acts 2) Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor   John Denver said it best: Hey, it’s good to be back home again Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend Yes, and hey, it’s good to be back home again It’s good to be back at the […]

Easter April 12, 2020 “Don’t Lose Your Joy”

Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor Gospel Lesson: Matthew 28:1-10 © 2020, Dr. Tamilio So, let me state the obvious first: I do not think any of us can remember Easter Services being cancelled in our lifetime.  Even those of you who lived through World War II were able to worship on the Sabbath.  The September […]