1-24-2021 “The Greatest Fish Story” Jonah 3:1-5, 10

Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2021, Dr. Tamilio I love to fish.  It is my way to unwind.  I used to fish for large-mouth bass every summer up in Maine.  I’ve noticed that the further away I get from the fish I have caught in the past, the bigger they get.  I think the […]

1-10-2021 The Baptism of Jesus “Being with the Broken” Mark 1:4-11

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2021, Dr. Tamilio Throughout the Christmas season, we reflect upon the Incarnation: how Jesus is God in the flesh.  He is the one born without sin.  This begs an important question that challenges the Gospel Lesson for today: Why did Jesus have to be baptized? This assumes […]

1-3-2021 The Sunday Before the Epiphany “The Real Miracle” Matthew 2:1-12

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2021, Dr. Tamilio There are some holidays and special liturgical days that we have to celebrate the Sunday before they occur, because they occur during the week.  Epiphany is one of them, at least this year.  The Christian Church will commemorate the visit of the Magi (AKA […]

Christmas Message From Dr. John

Saying that Christmas looks a bit different this year is an understatement. If you joined us for worship last night, we gathered in our sanctuary wearing masks, of course, unable to sing treasured Christmas hymns. Thank goodness for our choir director Diane Bellissimo, our organist Richard Harvey, and our choir members who sang a host of […]

12/20/2020 Advent IV: Love Psalm 89

Dr. John Tamilio III © 2020, Dr. Tamilio Each week, the Lectionary typically offers four readings: one from the Gospels, one from the New Testament Epistles, one from the Old Testament, and one from the Book of Psalms.  Sometimes, there are other options, but, by and large, this is how the Revised Common Lectionary is […]

12-13-2020 Advent III (“Joy”)

Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor © 2020, Dr. Tamilio Finally!  We have a Gospel Lesson that seems to fit Advent and the theme of the day: joy.  Phew!  Thank goodness!  We are not reading about the end of the world or John the Baptist preparing the way.  This reading is part of the whole nativity […]

12-6-2020 Advent II: Peace Mark 1:1-8; Isaiah 40:1-11; Exodus 23:20; Malachi 3:1

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor  © 2020, Dr. Tamilio The Gospel of Mark has no account of the Nativity, yet it opens, “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.”  Mark then goes straight into his account of Jesus’ baptism.  That was the beginning of Jesus’ earthly ministry, […]