Our February meeting will be making port covers for seat belts. This will make riding in a car much more comfortable for patients receiving chemotherapy. We will meet in Fellowship Hall at 11:30 AM. Please bring your lunch.
Our February meeting will be making port covers for seat belts. This will make riding in a car much more comfortable for patients receiving chemotherapy. We will meet in Fellowship Hall at 11:30 AM. Please bring your lunch.
Please join us for an evening of fun and games. Bring your favorite family dish to share and your favorite family game.
You are cordially invited to attend our Annual “Christmas Tea” on Sunday, December 16th Following Worship
On Sunday, December 9th, at 2:00 PM, we will be meeting in Fellowship Hall to go Christmas Caroling to our Shut-Ins. Please plan on joining us.
Please join us for Worship at 10:00 AM and enjoy our celebration of Music Sunday.
Our next Senior Supper will be held on Wednesday, November 28th from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. The menu will be: soup, breads, pasta and meatballs, dessert, coffee and tea. The cost is $3.00 per person. Tickets may be purchased at Helen Hairstyling 14 Forge Pond, Council on Aging, 500 Pleasant Street, or in the church […]
For our Stone Soup on Sunday November 25th we are asking members of the congregation to bring vegetables that are washed, peeled and diced. Some of the vegetables suggested are: Potatoes – red, white, fingerling, sweet Carrots Leeks Peas – frozen are fine Corn – frozen is fine Squash – butternut, blue Hubbard, or acorn […]