Lord God,
We come before you this day
planted firmly in our faith
and our hearts full of wonder
as we imagine how your Word
will nourish us this morning
and move us to fully embrace
our calling as your disciples.
With the summer behind us —
a time of rest and rejuvenation —
we gather as a church family
ready to worship you and
(inspired by your sacred Word)
to be recommitted to this ministry.
May you shower your blessings
upon our children as they prepare
to learn, to play, and to explore.
May you bless our adults as we pray,
serve, and fellowship with one another.
May the great mystery that lies
at the center of our faith-inspired us
to seek a fuller understanding of
who and what you would have us be.
Increase our faith, put doubts to flight,
and open to us a deeper comprehension
of your presence in our lives, and in the lives
of our sisters and brothers in Christ.
Hear this our pray, we implore you.
Hear these prayers and petitions as well:
those that we lift up to you in this moment
of still, sacred, silent prayer…
silent prayers…
Lord God, still our hearts
and focus our thoughts on you today
and increase our love for you
and for all people, in Christ’s name.