Our pastor is also a scholar and teacher.  (He works full-time at our church and is a Visiting Associate Professor at Salem State University.)  He has a deep interest in theology and literary studies.  He leads two Bible Studies in the spring and two in the fall – each one runs for about six weeks.  Sometimes we tackle a particular book in The Bible.

The classes, which are open to members and non-members alike, are informal.  We gather at 7:00 p.m.

Dr. Tamilio provides a lecture on the topic addressed, but he also encourages open discussions among participants.  Our goal is to seek a sound, historical understanding of the topic being studied and to relate these learnings to our lives.

Schedule for 2024 – 2025

The Rev. Dr. John Tamilio III, Pastor of the Congregational Church of Canton, is offering an extended Bible study this coming academic year.  The focus of the meetings will be on the core doctrines of the Christian faith: i.e., what we believe and why we believe it.  Typically, we offer two sessions in the fall and two in the spring for a total of 24 sessions each year.  The curriculum for this session will be written by Dr. John.  Each chapter will be available the week prior.  The dates and subjects for this comprehensive study are:

The dates and subjects for this comprehensive study are:

  1. September 17 Prolegomena: An Introduction
  2. September 24 The Triune God: Part I
  3. October 1 The Triune God: Part II
  4. October 15 General and Special Revelation
  5. October 22 Scripture
  6. October 29 Creation and the Imago Dei
  7. November 19 The Fall and Sin
  8. November 26 Theodicy (the Problem of Evil)
  9. December 3 Soteriology (the Doctrine of Salvation)
  10. December 10 Science and Religion
  11. December 17 Religion and Politics
  12. January 7 Interfaith Dialogue
  13. January 28 Christology: The Person of Jesus Christ/Incarnation
  14. February 4 Christology: The Teachings of Jesus Christ
  15. February 18 Christology: The Works of Jesus Christ
  16. February 25 Christology: The Crucifixion
  17. March 4 Christology: The Resurrection
  18. March 18 Christology: The Second Coming
  19. April 15 The Holy Spirit
  20. April 22 Ecclesiology: Part I (Kerygma and Leitourgia)
  21. April 29 Ecclesiology: Part II (Diakonia and Koinonia)
  22. May 6 Eschatology: Part I (The Rapture)
  23. May 20 Eschatology: Part II (Millenium)
  24. May 27 Postscript: Where Do We Go from Here?

These meetings are on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm and will run for about an hour.  We meet in our Social Room, but here is the Zoom link for those who cannot attend in person:


If you would like further information on our Bible Studies, please get in touch with our pastor, Dr. John Tamilio III, at pastor@cc-cantonma.org or call him at the church: (781) 828-2131.